
  • Friday 7.2. 13:00-19:00 - Foreign winemakers from Austria, Germany, Italy, Slovenia, Hungary, Spain, Portugal, Bulgaria, Poland and France.

  • Saturday 8.2. 13:00–19:00 – Winemakers from Bohemia, Moravia and Slovakia.

  • One day 950 CZK, both days 1450 CZK.


7 - 8 February 2025

Festival of organic, biodynamic and authentic wines with more than 100 winemakers mainly from the Czech Republic and Slovakia, but also from Austria, Germany, Italy, Slovenia, Hungary, France, Portugal, Poland and Bulgaria.


For the first time in history, the festival will be divided into two days.

Foreign winemakers will be presented on Friday from 1 to 7 p.m. and on Saturday from 1 to 7 p.m. you can come and taste wines from the regions of the Czech Republic, Moravia and Slovakia.

Strelnice, Žižkova 249, Tábor

Bottled Alive 2025 Side Events

Friday 7.2.

7pm Opening Michal Škapa: MID LEVELS ft. Martin Vajčner

@Okraje, Žižkova 250

7pm Ducksoup TAKE OVER

Bertie and Marc from the leading London wine bar Ducksoup pour their selection of English wines and a selection of their favorites from Bottled Alive. Ambient music to go with it.

@Jednota, Kostnická 158

20:00 Plenér DANCE EDITION

Plenér Winery has new wine in cans. And when you have a can in your hand, you can dance. The disco set in the cellar at Korbelů will be played by Plener's winegrower Marek Doušek aka DJ DO.OUŠEK.

@Sklep u Korbelů, Střelnická 223/6

Saturday 8.2.


5-kilometer run/walk through the Old Town of Tábor and the Lužnice River Valley, ending with coffee and a sweetbun at Vycep. Start at 9:00 from the fountain on Žižkovo Square. A reminder that wine should be consumed only so that Saturday morning is ready for a run!

Sunday 9.2.

9:00 - 12:00 FRUHSTUCK by Mike Andert

The main role is played by products of winemaker and farmer Mike Andert from Pamhagen, Austria. Mangalica bacon, eggs from Lerchenfeld, fresh goat cheese from Arak, jams, preserves. - all from his own production, from the garden directly in the vineyards or from acquaintances from the area. Mike shows the past and maybe the future of winemaking. He doesn't just focus on wine, he produces a lot of tasty products, making full use of the land he farms.

@Výčep, Žižkovo náměstí 18

Horní index

Izaak Reich Glasses

We have arranged a great cooperation with the Izaak Reich Glassworks. Wines will be enjoyed from the Linden N. 3 glass, designed by Rony Plesl, a leading Czech artist, sculptor and designer. All Izaak Reich glasses are hand-blown in the Izaak Reich glassworks from lead-free crystal glass.

The deposit for the glass is 350 CZK / 15 EURO

Friday, Feb 7th


Biowein Lenhart

Eschenhof Holzer

Franz Strohmeier

Gernot & Heike Heinrich

Haselberger Most

Christian Tschida

Christoph Hoch

Johaness Trapl

Johaness Zillinger

Judith Beck

Katrin Lautner

Kollektiv Peternell

Leopold Uibel

Martin Obenaus



RauSchnitt Weine

Renner & rennersistas

Schödl Family

Stefan Buchmayer

Stefan Rosner - Wildrose

Strohschneider - low intervention wine

Super Cattivo

Tamara Kögl

Thomas Straka

Vinarija Mulatsák


Weingut Lehner

Weingut Liszt Theresa und Bernhard

Weingut Markus Altenburger

Weingut Rudolf Fidesser

Weingut Schöfmann & Schöfmann


Ziniel X Peltzer


Georgiev/Milkov winery

Bottled Opinions




Weingut Schönhals

Weingut Jus Naturae


Max sein Wein

Naturweinbau David Amling

BANQUET OF GODS - Lukas & Tina Bernhard


Domaine Bükk

Turay Family Winery

Tomcsanyi Family Winery

PAP Winery

5 Ház Borbirtok - Weingartner Oliver

Hummel Villány

Kolónia 52

Peter Wetzer Wines

Réka.Koncz Winery


Domaine et Distillerie Laurent Cazottes


Champagne Domaine Collet

Domaine L'Encantade


Kmetija Štekar

Lobik Wines

Slov Artisanal Wines

matic wines



Kamil Barczentewicz


COZs - Da Cruz e Teles Lda

Gardunha Sul




I Forestieri

Cantina Martinelli

Giulia Gonella

Il Ceo

Saturday, Feb 8th

Czech Republic



Dalibor Osička

Dlúhé Grefty

Dobrá Vinice

Dva duby

EUFORIA - 100% birch sap


Jediný sud


Krásná hora


Martin Vajčner

Milan Nestarec


Myšince a Vrance

Nectar Lucis

Nešpor & Rajský s.r.o.

Petr Kočařík

Petr Koráb - živá hora

Petr Marada




Richard Stávek



Trejbal Experimental Winery

UTOPIA ciders & vinegars


Vinarstvi Porta Bohemica s.r.o

Vinařství Bystřický

Vinařství Charvát

Vinařství Janošek

Vinařství Jaroslav Osička

Vinařství Josef Licek

Vinařství Kacetl

Vinařství Měřínský

Vinařství Prath

Vinařství rodiny Špalkovy s.r.o.

Vinařství Špetíci

Vinařství Tomáš Režný

vinařství Tři čtvrtě

Vinařství Válka

Vinařství Vlach

Vinařství Vykoukal

Vinné sklepy Kutná Hora, s.r.o.

Vino Loigi

Víno Měřínský Vranovice




7 Rows

Braňo Bahna

David Kušický

Hancko Family Winery



MAGULA rodinné vinárstvo

marvla TINDO, s.r.o.

Mäsiar Wines


Michal Bažalík

Milovín / Zuzana Barnáková



Pivnica Čajkov



Šiklóš Winery

Vinárstvo Mantič

Víno Hladký

Vino Svetik

Vino Vdovjak


Jan Čulík: "More time to meet winemakers, that's what the two-day Bottled Alive will be like."

Bottled Alive - a festival of organic, biodynamic and authentic wines - February 7 and 8, 2025 - Tábor - the historic Střelnice premises. This year, for the first time, the organizers decided to stretch it over two days! Every day, on Friday and Saturday, about sixty winemakers, mainly from small family wineries from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria, Germany, Italy, Slovenia, Hungary, Spain, Bulgaria, Portugal and France, will present themselves. "There were too many winemakers for one day, so we divided them into two groups and over two days," says festival organizer Jan Čulík.

On Friday from 1:00 PM to 7:00 PM, winemakers from abroad will pour their wines, and on Saturday at the same time, visitors to the event will taste wines from Slovakia and the Czech Republic. “The festival is a unique opportunity to meet more than a hundred great winemakers in person. It’s a great asset to meet the person who made the wine,” Jan Čulík points out.

What was so uncomfortable about the previous years that you decided to hold the festival over two days?

If a visitor wanted to visit all one hundred winemakers, it would be impossible, it wouldn’t be possible. There was also a problem with the venue, we simply couldn’t fit in there.

And from your point of view, is the beginning of the year the ideal date? Why?

When I founded the festival, I had a guesthouse at the time, I wanted to attract people to Tábor and support the January off-season, help accommodation providers and pubs. That was one of the reasons for the festival. And it worked, the accommodation capacities are full during the festival. There are hundreds of people who come here. The beginning of the year is also good for winemakers, they have relatively little time and peace at this time.

How do people in advance sales react to the two-day festival? Do you have any feedback yet?

Many more people buy tickets for both days. Of course, the two-day ticket is discounted.

Foreign winemakers will be presenting on the first day. How many will there be?

More than sixty every day. More and more winemakers are contacting me, unfortunately I have to slow it down due to capacity, but I am of course happy that Bottled Alive is becoming an incubator for young and even beginning wineries from various parts of Europe.

Who specifically is going to Tábor from foreign wineries?

For example, young wineries from Bulgaria and Poland, new winemakers from Austria will appear, those who are not normally active on this scene, I think the project from the German Moselle is very interesting, Slovenians, Italians, French, Portuguese and a Spaniard will come. We presented the festival in New York at a wine event called Karakter, where distributors from all over the world go. From there we know that a large American distribution company, Jenny & Francois, pioneers of natural wines from New York, together with journalist and writer Alice Feiring, who is dedicated to natural wines, is coming to us.

How and on what basis do you choose winemakers for the festival?

I don't choose them, I give them the opportunity to apply. Each participant fills out a form in which they answer a few questions. The main criterion for participation in our festival is how the winemaker grows grapes. If I don't know the winery, I ask about it and give recommendations from winemakers I know.

So the condition for participation in the festival is whether the winemaker farms the vineyard in an organic regime?

Yes, we believe that the way the vine is grown is absolutely essential. We want to beautify and improve the landscape by promoting and drinking this type of wine.

What will this year's accompanying program be?

On Friday, we want to connect the space between the Jednota bookstore, the Triko Tábor business and the cellar in the house opposite, where a DJ will play. Bertie from the London bar Ducksoup will lead the way with his selection of wines. We will combine gastronomy, wine and music. On Saturday we will start with the first annual wine run called WineRun - which will take you through my favorite places in Tábor. You can also walk briskly. It is supposed to be a reminder that we can taste wine and have fun in Tábor from Friday, but only to the extent that we can manage the Saturday run at 9 am.

For the last three years you have been organizing a special dinner for exhibiting winemakers. Will it be this year too?

It will be a seasonal, local, breathtaking dinner, as always. It will be prepared again by the chefs from the Prague restaurant Alma, Michal Daněk, Petr Žídek and Vojta Václavík. It is a nice togetherness, sitting down to eat together, and when the food is also great, it is an amazing experience. This dinner is not public, but it is a thank you to the exhibiting winemakers for their work.

Preparing a festival with such a large turnout is a big challenge, a demanding discipline. Why do you do it? What is your main motivation?

I like connecting winemakers from Central Europe with the wine world. And as I already mentioned, I want to light up Tábor in this somewhat gloomy winter time, and bring hundreds of people here who come for the noble idea of ​​tasting wines made from grapes that ripened in the vineyards that beautify the landscape.

What would you like for the festival?

I would like it to remain the way it was when it was founded. To remain mainly a meeting place in the absolutely innocent Tábor, in a city that has nothing to do with wine. As a patriot, I am pleased that people who come here get to know the city. I am trying to promote the festival in the city of Tábor.

Asked by Hana Černohorská.


Are you a winemaker, who wants to participate? Contact us.

Žižkova 249, Tábor

+420 775 220092

Pátek 13 - 19, Sobota 13 - 19